Caudillo definicion pdf free

Information and translations of caudillo in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Among the spanish words for leader is caudillo, which derives from the latin capitellum, the diminutive of caput head. A military dictator, especially one ruling in latin america. Caudillos definition of caudillos by the free dictionary. The term translates into english as leader or chief, or more pejoratively as warlord, dictator or strongman. Although it is common to think of caudillos in the context of spanish america, the prototypes are deep in the iberian past. Francisco franco, franco, general franco example of. Wikipedia, lexilogos, maria moliner, espasa calpe, grijalbo, larousse, wordreference, real academia, diccionario, babylon, oxford. Caudillo definition is a spanish or latin american military dictator. Puedes descargar este programa gratuitamente en source. Pdf the work approaches the phenomenon of caudillismo. Teniendo una autoridad indiscutible y una personalidad carismatica. Ejerciendo una forma directa y tradicional del poder.

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